Moral issues in ICT: handout resource1 min read


This is an event – the first resource to be posted borne of collaboration! Debbie Jones – @teach_ict – of Teach-ICT fame very kindly put together two of the handouts in this set covering the moral issues in ICT.

The social & moral implications of ICT are something we both have a passion for, yet I remember being taught about them when I was a student in a desperately dry, detached way. These handouts are designed to generate discussion – I’ll be using them with my OCR Unit 8 groups, splitting in to groups of 3 for discussion, then opening the floor up to the class after they describe their scenario. Subjects covered:

  • File sharing
  • Plagiarism
  • Snooping
  • Web addiction
  • Censorship
  • Web medicine

I hope they’re useful – we had fun making them!

Quotes posters

Download handouts (PDF – 3mb)

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  • Hi James,

    Thanks for these resources, they are excellent!

    I think they would provide excellent discussion activities. I also like your resource showing the young web millionnaires. I too find that students find it too easy to dismiss ICT’s usefulness and value in today’s society.

    I am working on a few generic classroom displays such as “Use of ICT in Society” and will let you have a copy once they are complete.

    Keep up the good work!

  • Thanks Adrian, glad you’ve found them useful!

    Looking forward to seeing anything you’ve made… the mantra on Twitter is “sharing is caring” 😉


  • Thanks for sharing these resources – they are excellent and should provoke a good deal of thought and discussion!

By jpgreenwood

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