Resource: Database flashcards1 min read


It feels like an eternity since I last made a post, largely because it has been. Here’s the first in what I hope will be a series of posts as I get back to talking about teaching.

I have a really interesting mix of IGCSE students this year – a combination of European & Taiwanese nationals who have been taught in the British system for years, and French students who haven’t studied ICT as a subject until this year. I’m finding that even the most able students are struggling to get to grips with the complex technical vocab associated with ICT, and as databases are our first practical unit I’ve put together a stack of 30 flashcards for them to use:They were put together using the students’ own definitions initially, so if you find any errors or you’d just like me to pass on your thanks, please leave a comment below.

Download link: PDF (479kb)

Update 25/11/13: I’ve added the list to Quizlet for added revision test creation & printing options. Click here.

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By jpgreenwood

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