
Freebies: OCR Nationals markbooks


I posted these on Twitter, but with some questions from @misterel that I foolishly didn’t explain when I put them up I thought it’d be worthwhile explaining how they work. Click images for larger versions. OCR Unit 1 markbook: [link] (Links removed 06/08/09 as new versions have been posted here) OCR Unit 23 markbook: [link] On the first sheet the only things you need to fill in are...

Well, I’ve done it now…


I suppose I’ve tried it two or three times since blogging became a craze a few years ago, but always with very little idea of why, and even less conviction to do a decent job of it. Recently, though, my involvement with Twitter has introduced me to a growing community of professionals interested in technology & education, and I’ve become acutely aware of how beneficial sharing...

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